Sunday 28 August 2011

route to egypt (part 1)

err.. sepatutnye part 2 3 4 ke entah.. patut cerite pasal ketidakdaptan biasiswa mara dll.. tp skip je la cite tak senon kte smbg cte sronok.. =)

so Alhamdulillah dpt biasiswa for me to further my studies in medicine hamekkau grammar terabo
 Lembage Zakat Selangor yg taje saye.. walaupun x semewah rakan2 JPA MARA sekalian tpi Insya Allah cukup..

pegi mane? tob'an Misr.. (ha.. mesir la tu.. egypt)

skang ni baru lepas kursus bahase arab and program persediaan hapetah

bertempat di ILDAS kat Sabak Bernam...
tepi laut wo.. sejuk gile woo.. kat dalam bangunan pun rase anginnye sebab die masuk2 camane tah..

mule2 dtg sumpah aku menanges.. sebab aku bodo  x berape menggemarinye.. aku baru seda yg org baye aku ade la dlm bbrp org je.. bukan sebab aku x suke mereka tpi pengalaman yg tak berape nak menggembirekan di sekolah berkenaan dgn seniors membuatkan saye skeptikal sikit..


sebab tu la org kate jgn judge org awal2.. akk2 kat sini sgt sweet.. baek.. x slack kat orang.. baek sangat2.. smpi boleh wat org tersentuh.. bukan touching.. tapi ape e? tesentoh la.. terkesan ye.. bahase sambest nye..

oh3 carik aku.. aku comel..

mule2 ad dauroh lughoh.. kursus bahase lettuce.. tapi kitorang x belaja base pasar mesir.. dorg kate tak best.. belajar fushah (baku la lebih kurg) lakin la ba'sa.. best pe? best3

yg lagi bestnye.. ustaz2nye sekalian.. dari gontor.. indonesia.. ala.. yg sekolah femes tu.. kene ckp base arab saje kalau x.. jeng3.. chumel2.. 

ni ustaz aimi.. ustaz ali masum

ini ustaz saye.. ustaz fejri

sukati aku je mengkandid2 org.. ni mengganggu privasi ke? x kan?

emm.. best la care dorg mengaja.. sume ni kte da blaja kat sekola nak refresh je.. bagos2 pastu best la.. dorg sume baik2.. rindu pule.. 

ko hade? pen buleh bediri? haha
yup as u can see.. ktorg belaja kaler2.. tapi sumpah kalau die x aja aku hape mende pun x ingat we.. =)

tige minggu je pastu ad ujian.. 

minggu depannye ad kursus persediaan ke luar negare.. or should i say kursus persediaan menghadapi btn? hua3.. (ni evil laugh anda harus membayangkan setan ketike ketawe) baru best..

byk ilmu yg didapati.. kalau rajin sempat kite kongsi la ye.. saye ni malas orangnye..

Saturday 27 August 2011


Sometimes hit, sometimes miss, it’s always like that
Just do it right tomorrow, it’s just a small mistake
Sometimes bottom, sometimes top, sometimes number 1
Getting 1st place, you can only go down
Without it, just live without it
It’s just greed you have before you win it oh
Your suffering now is a sign of your hard work
Everybody knows you tried Everybody knows it’s alright

* You get some right, you get some wrong
Although tiring there will be days to smile
When you fall down, when you get up
Although tiring, there will be days to smile, eventually a day to smile will come

If it’s separation, just let her go
She might show lying tears, maybe it wasn’t destiny
People who have to go, just go
Sure being next to them it might happen oh
Being tired right now
It’s just evidence of your love
Everybody knows you tried Everybody knows it’s alright

* You get some right, you get some wrong

Although tiring there will be days to smile
When you fall down, when you get up
Although tiring, there will be days to smile, eventually a day to smile will come
The past is the past is the past
Previous memories It’s the past
The long painful days The Past is the past is the past
The days to forget you~

Everybody wins sometimes
Everybody knows you lose some

* You get some right, you get some wrong
Although tiring there will be days to smile
When you fall down, when you get up
Although tiring there will be days to smile,
eventually a day to smile will come
eventually a day to smile will come 

Tuesday 23 August 2011

aku xd tapi

aku tau aku x ade awek
aku tau aku pye awek tu yg aku x ade tu x gi studi jauh2

tapi jom lah kte nanges same2

creds to my beloved mina.. she introduced me to this song
so beautiful.. olmana yepposoyo..

aku memang tak boleh la kawan ngan anak orang kaye yang belagak

Wednesday 17 August 2011



astaghfirullahalazim... huh.. lega.. maaf

yeah2 sume org cantik.. cantik tu subjektif.. tapi kalau org tu da terang2 x cantek.. tapi goes around spilling that she looks like an angel and whatnot sape x bengang

(org yg sabar tak bengang)

tapi aku ni.. fffffffuuuuuu..

ke maybe die seda die x cantik pastu die nak menyedapkan ati die..

tapi seriously org yg mmg nyate cantik pun kalau die wat camtu sape yg tak bensi babey..

ni lah canteek namenye

Thursday 4 August 2011

an introduction

aku baru sedar yg bukan rakan2 tercinte je yg bace blog aku ni.. tak pelah takde org bace pun nak tulis jugak..

org pgil siti,temot,kakchik,wth.. tp seriously aku suke name temot tu sbb g9 pgil aku temot.. =( (bukan sedih rindu)

insyaAllah.. imma fly to egypt to study and be a doctor.. Alhamdulillah biasiswa da dpt da.. aku just need to study leklok and tak maen2 and tak ngade2.. and mintak doakan idop ktorg senang la kat mesir nnt.. 
ughh.. cuak baby..

umur.. aku suke sbb aku mude aku eighteen bebeh.. wa.. cambest sgt je.. wth.. suke2 mude..

da sekolah 11 tahun tak penah lagi couple.. i tak reti lah karpal2 ni.. x pnh try.. sape nak ajar aku? haha.. so i dont have any high school love story.. bnd ni perlu sedih ke ek? ntale aku pon konpyus..

pastu aku ni sgt menyampah i mean.. org senang nak nyampah ngan aku.. byk sbb nye.. byk sgt.. hmm.. ntah le..

pastu sgt senang suke org.. suke2 je nak suke kat org.. pastu susah nak benci org yang aku suke tu..
pastu sangat senang benci kat org.. tp bile da kenal baru la suke.. maksudnye aku suke double standard kan org.. perangai tak sihat..

tak suke org yg matang.. or nampak matang.. or budak kecik yg lagi matang dari aku..
bukan tak suke senanye jeles.. ckap jela jeles.. 

haah aku jeles..

pastu aku suke korea.. pastu ade kawan aku yg nak gi korea sgt jeles.. tapi rezeki org mane leh jeles.. yeke? ntah lah.. 


gmbar?? hihi.. aku ni lawa merendah diri orgnye.. malu lew..

tak ramai bestfren.. salah aku gak.. aku x reti nak sayang org.. aku takut.. nnt bile aku hilang dorg aku sedih.. (tak sentimental gak aku ni?)