Thursday 30 June 2011


1. JaeJoong of DB5K

well 1st love.. mule2 suke tengok die blakon banjon drama.. mmg pompuan gle.. tp ak suke (lesbian ke kao)
die ni masok kategory prettier than


alala comel
huh.. sarangi neomu shibge byonheman gatjyo.. dlu suke gile tp skrg tak suke die suke gedik2 ngan pompuan.. x pompuan yg gedik ngan die.. lol terimela hakikat.. ok.. tp still 2nd on my list.. minaminikka.. <3

3. Wooyoung of 2PM

ssanti ittgu..

comel.. gwiyeopgu..

stage charm.. mude eso maryok do ittgu..
mm.. wooyoung.. org 1st yang ak suke bukan sbb muke die.. kalau ikot dulu in 2pm of course la ak akan suke chansong.. x pun nichkun.. tak pun taekyeon.. haha ko jatuh nombo bape ni wooyoung.. kih3 pastu.. 1st suke time lagu tired of waiting.. lol muke serious padahal.. haha..

4. junhyungie of  BATOOST (B2ST)

ak suke kau

tapi kau suke die
nila org kate.. jgn suke2 je nak suke org ha kan? x patout.. i seriously against idols go open about their gf/bf.. sbb.. nnt fan ko sedih.. sedar la.. ko idup untuk org kot.. from the 1st moment ko terpikir nak jadi artis mestilako kene pike pasal tu.. perlu korban kan ko pye needs.. especially yg ni dak? fuh.. pastu kalau nak kapel.. kapel la.. ak phm la ko pun manusia jugak.. tp x pyhla nak kecoh2 ko tu dahla belom feymes sgt lagi.. abesla..

4.seunghyunie of FT ISLAND

ah.. ntah..hensem je kot.. pastu rap comel.. ondawww.. lol

look at that ***

look at that dimple

loook at that face

look at that crooked smile

look at that eyes
isnt he perfect or what? lol cinta terbaru.. means ak nak kawen ngan die.. literally..

6. L of INFINITE 인피니트

no words/captions needed.. ak mmg suke org ensem..

7. PO of BLOCK B

sebijik kot.. gamba ni x la.. tp P.O ni bru je suke.. sat lagi tuka lettuce.. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

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