Sunday 23 October 2011


Sume org ad penyesalan yg dilalui mereka dlm mnjalani khidupan seharian (muqoddimah  die)
Aku, yg pling besanye is
X hargai kawan2 aku betul2
Trying to be a good friend.. but turns out to be an asshole. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough
See, there are two of them dlm mase tedekat ni lah.. Sebelum2 tu ade lagi kot tp time tu sgt tak matured nye aku x igt

M and F (kenape aku letak initial je?)
Ktorg bukanla kawan segeng bertige.. No no
F ad die pye kwn, M pun ad, aku pun ad
Best fren? X.. Good friends? I can assure u that

M.. Ktorg bukan la kawan yang memg da lame kenal.. Just aku ni kan kalau aku rase org tu jht or annoying or boring or tak best, aku stay away from die.. Im very specified about this..
And M shes a sweetheart.. Dia baik hati.. Jrg nmpk die mrh except klu org buat die sakit hati
Normal people are like that right? And we share our beds, go to prep together. Talked about guys somehow.. Usha2 same2.. Yeah.. And ktorg became rapat..
She advised me about loads of stuff.. Tapi byk kali aku tau die terase ngan aku sebab aku x nak denga
Aku degil.. Aku x suke denga org nasihat aku.. So, she stopped.. And how I wished she hadnt.
See? That’s great r kan? Die paham aku x suke die stop
Some people just don’t
Aku kate aku x suke org kutuk hidung aku.. There you go everytime u see me u talk about my nose.. That’s a total sweetheart.
Tp da nak akhir2 taun tu ktorg mcm jauh sikit.. Die pndh dorm and somehow aku rase insecured, jeles ngan org dorm tu.. Tapi it turns out to looked like im mad.. Aku x pndi nak express perasaan aku.. Sori sayang.. Sori about that.. And there are guy issue too.. Hehe.. Temot sgt bodoh ye..

Then F.. Ktorg balek same2 naik ktm.. Satu dorm.. And F pun baik hati jugak.. Sgt baik.. And sorry u have to go through something u shouldn’t have kalau kau x kwn ngan aku kan? Aku ni complicated an? Ngade2 lagi.. And bodoh.. Pasal tu.. Ko tau kan pasal ape? =) sori sgt2.. Aaa… aku x seda diri..
Aku kacau something yg kalau x maybe will be a story with a happy ending.. Or maybe it does? Hehe.. Stori la ngan aku.. Takpe je.. Aku da phm sgt2 da skrg ni.. Da matang sikit.. Penyakit lame aku tu da xd INSYAALLAH..

So, mereke yg berkawan dgn mereke ni.. Do good with them.. Bdk2 uitm and uia.. Stay by their side k? do something I didnt do.. 

1 comment:

  1. salam,temot..lame ak tunggu ko post :)
    sume org de wat somthing wrong,
    juz don't do same mistake next time...include ak,

