Saturday 11 July 2015


After 2 odd years im finally back hehe
Bace balik pst lame2 rasenye mcm sgt tak matang wlupum time tu dah 18 tahun huhu
So why come back?
Because i feel the need to write somehow
And i dont think anybody even bother to come here
So why not?

Monday 9 January 2012


i know you are reading this!


sori xde keje..

ko sorg je pun yg bace haha

k bye

Wednesday 28 December 2011

jgn bace

ok so die bukan l

muke pun tak same dahla itam
forget about that so called 'jodoh' apebendemerepeklabodoh
n die suke org lain
and people talk about him
so thats basically it
da hilg lg sorg crush

u know?

crush aku haruslah seorg yg tak keja prmpuan
haruslah sntiase cool
n pompuan btk2 ngan die tp die lgsg tak btk sebab die haruslah suke aku
n klu aku ad crush ni, i was hoping he will be something, u know i had this image i created for him
so skrg ofkorse2 ofkos ofkos la tak.. siti bodo


crush sgtlah sangat sangat based on the surface
sgt3 surface
so klu mkin lame makin tau
stalk fb,blog,tye org
mmg nmpk sgtla die bkn org yg aku hrpkan an?
so konklusi,,

i dont believe in love at the first sight
stupid bullshit i must say
so aku mghrpkn smthng beautiful from my future husband hell yeah im 18 da bole kawen

and bygkan klu ad org yg suke aku yg bace bnde2 ni..

berangan dohh.. xdnye org nk ske aku haha but seriously

so, my dear org yg suke aku,
dont like me
cause liking me makes people unattractive
and i dont like being liked
and i dont deserved to get that
and u deserved to like someone better

and aku rase couple tu should be banned
aku suke kau
kau suke aku
ok kte tunang
6 or 7 years later
da studyyy je x pyh kesah bnd lain an? sbb jodoh dah ad
snang idop

lg ap?
dulu aku sgt mengharapkan ad org akan dtg somewhere
um org yg aku suke dtg n kate
'aku da lame suke kau'

dulu aku sgt sedih asal xd org suke ak? asal ak xd pakwe sume org ad and aku rase its a normal process of growing up unoe? having a bf being in a relationship
tapi slmt je hidup 18 taun x penah kapel
x penah ad ap2 yuo mmg aku bangge
 pastu aku tye kwn aku? dorg kate x pyh la nnt ko rase bodoh je bile diperbodohkan and rase i dont deserved this heh ayt movie
hmm.. tak masuk lagi yg kapel sbb yg lucah2 tu
sbb nafsu melampau gedik bighah tu
lagi kesian
da lobos dicampak je camtu

yeah lg sekali aku repeat

ALHAMDULILLAH aku dilindungi dr bnd2 merepek ni semue
so bye2

n i do believe yg liking anybody is normal but like me, its just simply everybody isnt normal but i need to like somebody, so biarkan lah aku ini

p/s: aku rase nak buat second part a bende ni laju je senang je tulis haha
and byk lagi nak ckp..

k bye assalamualaikum

Wednesday 30 November 2011

ko kate org obses

kau tu? every single tweet, every single post, every single breath.. kau ckp psl bnde tu? tak obses?

tu la.. kte memg senan je nak nampak keburukan org
keburukan kte?
jarang sekali..

people are funny

Thursday 24 November 2011

da lame tak merepek

im not a blogger and my followers aren't actually followers they are lovely friends with a big heart and lots of sympathy towards me.. aha

so klu aku nak kate 'ooo sorry guise im so busy with life oo kesian korg follow blog sengal cenni' pun x relevan an? hehe

so baru ad intenet kat umah.. baru tadi.. yay! *throws confetti*
hmm.. life has been hectic? naa.. biase je .. kalau nak bnding ngan budak u lain.. ktorg mcm hape je.. x busy lgsg.. maybe baru first year kot tp still..
sehari lecture due jam.. pastu kalau lucky ad prktkl klass due jam.. if u are extremely lucky (org yg sgt bertuah shj) prktkl class 4 jam *angkat kening 15 kali

tapi klu malas bole pegi lecture 3 kali.. sehari ad 3 lecture.. pegi la lecture ko pastu nanati nyemak la kat lecture org lain.. pastu kene halau lalala (tak terase sumpah)

ktorg ad 300 org lebih batch ni.. bahagi 3 lecture.. aku lecture A, Aimi lecture B, Nona lecture C.. haa... ap nak kate? xd pape


satu lecture tu bhgi lagi jadi la section..

aku rase mnde ni x best pun x nak cite


u alex ni lain dr u lain kat mesir ni sebab die pki integrated means die campo  bichem, physio, anat, sume2

klu u lain die belaja anat anat je pastu biochem biochem je

tak tau mane lg bagus msing2 ad pros and cons (aku 1st time dga mnd ni dlm amazing race)


so currently belaja modul 2 - nutrition and metabolism

taraaa.. ni modul 3

ngan modul 3 - above

hummm. ok lah.. camtu je...

ni sume view from u...